Advanced Biology -The Human Body for Grades 10-12 (8:30)
Please note this class will begin at 8:30am and finish at 9:55am.
Course Name: Advanced Biology -The Human Body for Grades 10-12
Grade Range: Grades 10-12
Instructor: Meaghan Friend
Price: $400 for 28 weeks
Course Description: This is a college prep level Anatomy and Physiology Class that is intended for students who have completed Biology. This course is highly recommended for anyone planning to enter the medical field, those pursuing further education in biology, or for students who are interested in learning more about the inner workings of the human body. Anatomy and physiology studies the structure and function of the parts of the body, as well as how those parts work together. There will be an in depth study of each body system including histology, integumentary, skeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive. In class time will be spent completing most, if not all, experiments from the curriculum (all lab supplies will be provided by the instructor) and discussing concepts from the text. Students will have the opportunity to examine blood, dissect a cow heart, cow eye, and fetal pig, and do a number of other interesting experiments.
Course Prerequisites: Biology
Curriculum used by Instructor: Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd Edition
Books & Supplies required for purchase by families:
- Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd Edition Texbook ISBN: 978-1-946506-60-3
- Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd Edition Student Notebook ISBN-13: 9781940110387
- Kaplan Anatomy Coloring Book ISBN: 978-1-506281-21-6
*Colored pencils required
Homework Requirements: Students will complete a minimum of 3-4 hours out of class work per week. This is a college prep course that is on level with some college level Anatomy & Physiology courses. Students will complete assigned text readings at home, along with on your own questions, notes, study guides, diagrams from the Student Notebook, and lab reports. This course carries a heavy workload. A detailed syllabus will be provided prior to the first week of class.
Duration: 28 weeks
Grading: Midterm and final grades will be provided based on labwork, tests, and class participation.
Course Credit: 1 full science credit
Teacher Bio: Meaghan is a Registered Nurse who has an Associate’s Degree in Nursing from Central Texas College and a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from Columbus State University. She worked as an Emergency and Trauma Nurse from 2009-2016 in Texas, Kentucky, and Georgia, while her husband served on active duty for the Army. She now homeschools her two daughters and moonlights as a camp nurse during the summer. Meaghan is a group leader with the youth ministry at her church.
Min/Max # of Students: 4 min/12 max
Method and Frequency of communication: Instructor will send weekly email communication.